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Hotel capacity to Troyon, Meuse

0 hotels or lodgings in Troyon
in the department Meuse (55) for a total of
0 bedrooms

Are you looking for a seminar hotel or meeting room/training in
Troyon or in the department Meuse (55) ?

This city has no accommodation capacity. It is advisable to go to another nearby city to find a suitable venue for your seminar.

This commune has a history which can be the occasion of an activity during your company seminar. Next to this commune, there are other places to visit in the department. The city is populated by 260 habitants

Search for a hotel, seminar or meeting room in
Meuse to Troyon ?


Below is the number of hotels in the municipality of Troyon , (insee code : 55521 in 2017)

Number of hotels Total number of bedrooms
Not classified 0 0
1 Star Hotels 0 0
2 Star Hotels 0 0
3 Star Hotels
(Sometimes adapted for seminars)
0 0
4 Star Hotels
(Generally suitable for seminars)
0 0
5 Star Hotels
(Suitable for seminars)
0 0

Namely: 4 and 5 Star hotels are generally well-suited for corporate seminars. 3-star hotels can also sometimes be suitable.
Below these stands, places are generally not suitable, but exceptions obviously exist.
Total number of lodgings of Troyon : 0

Troyon - hotel capacity in leisure, meetings or programs

Overall, this city is not suitable for seminars or company meetings because of its hotel capacity.

This city has little hotel capacity but without high-end hotels allowing it to receive seminars and meetings.

Essential elements for Troyon in the department Meuse :

Room location Meuse Troyon
Plan how participants will get to the seminar venue
Generally you will need a video projector and a screen


Number of campsites Total number of pitches
Campsites not classified 0 0
1-star classified campsites 0 0
2-star classified campsites 0 0
3-star classified campsites 0 0
4-star classified campsites 0 0
5-star classified campsites 0 0

Holiday Villages and Tourist Residences, a solution for seminars in
Troyon in the Meuse

First some numbers :

Holiday Villages : 0
Accommodation units in Holiday Villages in 2017 : 0
Beds in tourist residences in 2017 : 0

Residences of tourism : 0
Accommodation units in tourist residences in 2017 : 0
Beds in holiday villages in 2017 : 0

In conclusion on the city of Troyon
The city proposes 0 accommodation places in total

About Hotel capacity to Troyon in Meuse
The city is populated by 260 habitants
The town or village of Troyon proposes 0 accommodation places in total

Genius Meetings will allow you to organize your event or seminar in just a few clicks, from the specifications to the satisfaction measurement. It allows you to select locations and send them a quote request, it helps in the drafting of the specifications, to exchange with the places directly, make quotation comparisons, generate a website to market your seminar, electronically sign quotations, manage the budget, create standard specifications, monitor and measure participant satisfaction, track these invoices and payments, to have a precise and complete report on all your seminars.

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