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Become a partner of Genius Meetings!

Join our partner network and profit off of our numerous advantages





Are you an event agency and want to distribute the ideas of Genius Meetings?


And if you become an agency 2.0 without effort? Genius Meetings would propose to you to put an innovative solution of event management in the hands of your clients! Resell Genius Meetings or offer it to your clients, and become an innovative agency. As a result, you will save time and money!


Simplify your life and those of your clients! 


Become a partner of the event management web solution, which revolutionizes the event organization.




Complete view of all events


You will have access as an administrator to the complete view of all events organized by your clients. You will be able to take control in case difficulty arises or you may bring your added value to all events as well.


Collaborative tool for participant management


Create a website for your client's event and manage the participant management (or give your customer control)


Complete Reporting


Complete analysis, detailed and in real time of all your client's events


ROI (Return on Investment)


Thanks to the customizable post-event surveys, supply an ROI to your clients in connection to their event or seminar




Are you an integrator/consultant and want to sell Genius Meetings?


Do you detect a request in terms of the management of events/seminars with your clients? Are you looking for a solution that suits your needs, and for a true partnership? Contact us and let's talk about it!




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This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - +33(0)9 52 80 32 82