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Our premium options for event organizers and MICE buyers





checklist-checked-box1.png  Supplier repository customization


  • Manage whitelist, blacklist, recommended supplier and integrate framework agreements or negotiated agreements
  • Select purchasing categories that you exlude from the platform (ex: exclude catering services from the platform because you use another means…).
  • Select labels or payment methods that are mandatory for your company.


arrow.png  You control your sourcing.



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checklist-checked-box1.png  Business Process Customization



  • Manage validation workflows for tje compagny (pre-order and order)
  • Manage validation thereshlds per person and integrate validators.



arrow.png  The tool adapts to your business processes



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checklist-checked-box1.png  Advanced search criteria


  • Add relevant search criteria for your company, such as places accepting such or such means of payment, ESATS, places having their legal documents up to date 
  • Complete your search criteria by determining labels or brands channels to refine your search.


arrow.png  Increase efficiency and accuracy



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checklist-checked-box1.png  Key Account Settings


  • We set up the workflows with you, we integrate your reverential supplier by import…
  • We configure all your sites and your BU (business unit)…



arrow.png  We configure with you the tool to enjoy it 100%.  




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checklist-checked-box1.png  Repports


Total expenses by period according to suppliers, services, participants, and sites (or BU)…

Performance measurement (satisfaction of prganizers and participants) 




arrow.png  Manage and analyze your expenses efficiently and quickly



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For any subscription to a premium offer we offer you :

checklist-checked-box1.png Formation


we accompany you with a 1 hour training via join.me. During this session we present the different features of the platform, and help you to integrate the first information necessary for the organization of the first events. 

Visibility credits allow you to appear at the top of search rearch results based on the number of credits purchased.



arrow.png  Become self-sifficient in the use of the platform




checklist-checked-box1.png  Phone Support 


  • Phone and chat support is available to help you use the platform 5 days a week from 9am to 6pm .



arrow.png  You control your sourcing.




Event organizers, register now !


Demo request, click here !


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